Cotovelo Beach
Cotovelo Beach
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Karina Alvarenga
Patos de Minas, MG221 bijdragen
jan. 2025 • Stellen
De um lado um paredão lindo do outro areias como Dunas. Mas ondas leves na maré baixa e sport aquáticos na maré alta.
Linda paisagem.
Só não gostei da comida.
Linda paisagem.
Só não gostei da comida.
Geschreven op 21 januari 2025
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Marcio B
2 bijdragen
okt. 2024 • Stellen
Beach wet, dirty (waste on the beach) and away... subject to tide, like all beaches in Natal (in the high tide there is no sand Banner...)
Geschreven op 22 oktober 2024
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
5 bijdragen
okt. 2024 • Stellen
One of the most beautiful and cheap tours we have been. We picked up Uber from Ponta Negra, landed at the first restaurant. On the beach had waitress service, we didn't have to pay beach tent, just consume. Assisi tent, good food, full and fair price. Not to mention that the beach was with low tide, beautiful, visual with cliffs.
Geschreven op 17 oktober 2024
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Brasilia, DF21 bijdragen
jul. 2024 • Gezinnen
Small beach, but good to swim with small children and who like waves. It's not a natural pool. We stayed in the first tent, good service, easy parking. The tent structure had a shower and a good restaurant above the cliff. Very easy to get there. And close to those staying on Via Costeira.
Geschreven op 30 juli 2024
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Ingrid O
2 bijdragen
jul. 2024 • Gezinnen
The beach is too beautiful! Surrounded by dunes on the right and large and beautiful stones on the left. The waves are calm, which makes the beach look like a soft and warm-water pond, perfect for going with children. I used for 3 days the barramares restaurant and found simply amazing the structure and the food served. It was my favorite beach.
Geschreven op 17 juli 2024
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Paulo P
São Paulo, SP118 bijdragen
jul. 2024 • Gezinnen
Beautiful beach, with a natural landscape that combines the white sands, the green blue sea and beautiful cliffs.
The sea here is open, without breaking the sea, which ensures a more lush wave, but as the beach is extensive, it is still safe to enter with children.
There are no return chains or channels. Usual care, only, for small children or with those who can not swim. It is worth a visit and the tip is to visit the restaurant Falésias, on top of a cliff and which has beach service at the bottom, in the sand, and has a wonderful shrimp pastel.
The sea here is open, without breaking the sea, which ensures a more lush wave, but as the beach is extensive, it is still safe to enter with children.
There are no return chains or channels. Usual care, only, for small children or with those who can not swim. It is worth a visit and the tip is to visit the restaurant Falésias, on top of a cliff and which has beach service at the bottom, in the sand, and has a wonderful shrimp pastel.
Geschreven op 14 juli 2024
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Fernanda S
5 bijdragen
apr. 2024 • Gezinnen
Great beach for swimming, but there are not many options for stalls or rides, quiet beach without many street vendors or beggars.
Geschreven op 25 april 2024
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Tatiana Tofaneli
São Paulo, SP40 bijdragen
apr. 2024 • Stellen
Very beautiful place, has the facilities to spend the day, it's worth visiting.
You can see the cliffs and see a fantastic sunset
You can see the cliffs and see a fantastic sunset
Geschreven op 20 april 2024
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Sileide M
Trindade, GO8 bijdragen
mrt. 2024 • Stellen
Weak infrastructure, the beach looks like a pool of warm water, good for swimming. We ate a very delicious fried fish fillet. I was NOT enchanted.
Geschreven op 19 april 2024
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Matheus C
19 bijdragen
mrt. 2024 • Gezinnen
Elbow beach is just 12 km from Ponta Negra. There are two structured tents, Barramares and another. The tents have a better structure than those in Ponta Negra, with showers and tables. You can choose to stay under the coconut trees. The beach has a wide strip of sand in the morning and the sea is calm, with few waves, ideal for children. The tide rises quickly and by 1 pm it already takes over the entire beachfront. In our opinion, it was the best beach in Natal.
Geschreven op 17 maart 2024
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Onde encontro informações sobre a trilha na praia?
Geschreven op 4 januari 2020
Na praia não tem trilha. Você pode caminhar, na maré seca, da falésia de Cotovelo até as falésias da Barreira do Inferno. Este percurso tem aproximadamente 5 km. Trilhas ecológicas ficam do lado oposto, circundando as lagoas de Alcaçus e Carcará. É conveniente fazer com guia que conhece a região.
Geschreven op 5 januari 2020
Nessa época do ano fica muuuuito muvucada essa praia? Ou por ser mais distante, ainda é mais privativa ?
Geschreven op 31 december 2018
Não é uma praia tão distante da área urbana, apenas 12 km de Ponta Negra, por isso pode ter movimentação principalmente dos veranistas que se encontram naquela área.
Geschreven op 31 december 2018
Hola como se llega en bus desde Ponta Negra a Cotovelo ?gracias
Geschreven op 28 september 2017
Gostaria de saber qual linha de ônibus pega de ponta negra a praia do cotovelo ? Estou perto do natal praia shoping . Qto tempo demora ? E qual preço ? Obrigada
Geschreven op 25 december 2015
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*Meestal snel volgeboekt: Op basis van de boekingsgegevens van Viator en gegevens van de provider van de afgelopen 30 dagen raakt deze ervaring waarschijnlijk volgeboekt via Viator, een bedrijf van Tripadvisor.
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