Sanctuaire Notre-Dame-du-Cap
Sanctuaire Notre-Dame-du-Cap
Duur: 1-2 uur
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BigJeff L
2.114 bijdragen
okt. 2024 • Stellen
This basilica is an unusual design. Built on the banks of the St. Lawrence River , it is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and has been designated a national shrine by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. The current basilica was built from 1955 and consecrated in 1964. It measures 258 feet high from the ground to the cross that adorns the roof, 125 feet high from the floor to the top of the dome inside. A 24-foot statue of Mary adorns its façade. All of the stained glass windows was made by hand. Do not miss out on the Votive chapel which stands close by and there are also a number of interesting statues in the gardens. There is also a shop on site and a cafe for refreshments. The car park is large and very closely located to the main building.
Geschreven op 29 oktober 2024
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Colmar, Frankrijk8.394 bijdragen
jul. 2024 • Stellen
Beautiful Marian sanctuary in North America , it is the second largest founded in 1888. The visit is free and free. It is a surprising building for its size and capacity. A park around him. Very beautiful and vast.
Geschreven op 29 augustus 2024
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
7 bijdragen
okt. 2023 • Gezinnen
We are doing research on our ancestors one of which was married at the Petite Sanctuaire (the old chapel) in 1705 and later buried here in 1726. This place is awesome, located on the Saint Lawrence River in Trois-Rivieres. The history is well preserved here (except the graves of those buried here prior to 1800s - which are interred within the chapel basement I am told). We did not go within the new large cathedral but in the Petite Sanctuaire. This is a restful place with several walks both throughout wooded grounds and along the river. In the Petite Sanctuaire, I lit several candles in memory of my ancestors and my parents. It does have an awesome gift shop.
Geschreven op 26 oktober 2023
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Grand Isle, VT222 bijdragen
okt. 2023 • Gezinnen
It had been too long since my last visit. Truly an inspiring shrine. Ample parking. Wheelchairs are available for free at the reception area.
Geschreven op 23 oktober 2023
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
New England272 bijdragen
aug. 2023 • Gezinnen
A must! Don't just go to the large centerpiece church (which is beautiful) but to visit all the other lovely locations on the property. The smaller chapel was just lovely. There were 2 reported miracles at this site. They were the miracle of eyes and the ice bridge miracle. The rosary bridge was beautiful.
The gift shop was top notch with both religious and non religious items.
Local gifts, cheese, chocolate, etc.
Bathrooms were large and clean but on a different floor. There is an elevator.
The gift shop was top notch with both religious and non religious items.
Local gifts, cheese, chocolate, etc.
Bathrooms were large and clean but on a different floor. There is an elevator.
Geschreven op 7 september 2023
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Avi R
Israël317 bijdragen
jun. 2023 • Gezinnen
This is a full complex, with even a place for coffee.On the river bank, with a huge garden and visitors center
Geschreven op 4 juli 2023
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Elyoan de Praga
Praag, Tsjechië467 bijdragen
feb. 2023 • Gezinnen
It is an impressive church , huge and modern If you are around it is worthy a quick stop but not more. The outside look is as interesting as the outside one.
Geschreven op 25 februari 2023
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Nantes, Frankrijk610 bijdragen
sep. 2022
Très grand édifice avec des beaux vitraux. Aucun poteau à l'intérieur ce qui permet à toute l'assemblée de voir l'autel.
Geschreven op 30 oktober 2022
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Chicoutimi, Canada4.981 bijdragen
okt. 2022 • Vrienden
Le sanctuaire du Cap de la Madeleine est un incontournable pour toute personne qui désire exprimer sa foi ou tout simplement contempler un lieu architectural impressionnant.
À visiter durant un faible achalandage pour bien apprécier.
À visiter durant un faible achalandage pour bien apprécier.
Geschreven op 6 oktober 2022
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Gatineau, Canada59 bijdragen
sep. 2022 • Alleen
A very special church, when you walk into the church it’s the architectural way that it was built with the cathedral roofing and the grounds along the St- Laurent River very peaceful.
Geschreven op 28 september 2022
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
We arrive via cruise line into Quebec City. Are there any tour bus trips from Quebec City to the Shrine?
Geschreven op 22 november 2016
We need transportation/tour bus from Quebec City to the Shrine. We are arriving via cruise line to Quebec City. Any suggestions will be appreciated!
Geschreven op 22 november 2016
take Orleans express. Drops you off right in Trois-Rivières city centre. I took it from Montreal and back. excellent service.
Geschreven op 5 januari 2017
Ludlow, Massachusetts
Times of daily Mass? and if there is a candle light procession in Trois Riviers?
Geschreven op 21 juni 2015
Ludlow, Massachusetts
Time of daily Mass. Is there a candle light procession in the evening
Geschreven op 21 juni 2015
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*Meestal snel volgeboekt: Op basis van de boekingsgegevens van Viator en gegevens van de provider van de afgelopen 30 dagen raakt deze ervaring waarschijnlijk volgeboekt via Viator, een bedrijf van Tripadvisor.
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